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Jun. 2024

Serapid secures a unitranche financing of 22 million euros

Paris, June 10, 2024, 09:30 AM – Serapid, global leader in heavy load transfer using rigid chain technology, has secured a new unitranche debt financing of 21.7 million euros, along with an additional external growth credit line of 10 million euros. The debt was fully subscribed by Zencap, European pioneer in real economy financing specialized in non-listed debt. Furthermore, the debt will be subject to several ESG criteria, notably reduction of carbon emissions, which could impact the cost of financing.

Following the acquisition of Serapid by its leaders, Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, alongside LBO France, the Group significantly strengthened its position, particularly through the launch of a new elevator offering, generating over 10 million euros in revenue after only five years of existence. Capitalizing on its strong culture of innovation, the Group has steadly enriched its offering and today provides a unique range of precise, compact, and rigid products that meet the most demanding needs of loyal and high-profile clients.

Relying on a new production site in France, coupled with an assembly site in the United States, the Group now aims to consolidate its global leadership and establish itself as a key player in the ecological transition for the movement of heavy loads.

Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, Chairman and CEO of Serapid, commented: “Serapid pursues its transformation and accelerates its development, supported by strong demand for its high-performing and ecologically virtuous products. We are honored by Zencap’s trust and support in this new phase of the company’s growth.”

Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France, commented: “Serapid’s sustained growth has been accompanied by a profound organizational overhaul, which was launched as soon as we invested in the company. Today, the company addresses a wide range of applications and underlying markets with complementary dynamics and is ideally positioned to benefit from the ongoing industrial ecological transition. LBO France is proud to support Serapid in achieving its ambitions.”

Avi Corcos, Partner at Zencap, commented: “We are delighted to support Serapid Group, its management, and LBO France in this refinancing aimed at providing visibility to all stakeholders on the next operation. We were particularly seduced by the innovative aspect of Serapid’s products and its high-quality management. The unitranche financing provided is designed to offer the flexibility needed to implement the Group’s strategy.”


List of participants and advisors on the operation:

  • Financing Advisory Company: AMALA Partners – Jean-Baptiste MARCHAND, Benjamin GINER, Jad SADER, Damien SCHAFF, Alexandre ABADIE, Inès BENYAZZA
  • Strategic DD Company: INDEFI – Julien BERGER, Marc DURANCE
  • Financial DD Company: BM&A – Guilhem de MONTMARIN, Brice CARRIER
  • Business Law Firm Financing: JEANTET – Delphine BAUDOUIN, Marie NOPPE
  • Debt Lawyers: SIMMONS & SIMMONS – Collin MILLAR
  • Unitranche Debt: ZENCAP – Avi CORCOS, Laetitia MARCHADIER, Charles SCHULLER



About Serapid

Serapid is the inventor and global leader in rigid chain technology, a range of robust, compact, and precise electromechanical actuators that also benefit from an extremely reduced carbon footprint compared to alternative technologies.

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About LBO France

A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist and multi-country investment platform. Active in Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture and Listed Investment, the Company has been expanding for several years its activities in Europe, especially in Italy via its subsidiary Polis Fondi SGR, as well as on the African continent via its subsidiary CGF bourse. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.

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About Zencap

Zencap Asset Management, a subsidiary of OFI Invest, the asset management division of Aema Group, is a management company specializing in non-listed debt and committed to responsible investment. Since 2009, Zencap has been active in a wide variety of financing solutions for real estate assets, infrastructure, and small to mid-cap companies. As of December 31, 2023, Zencap had nearly 4 billion euros in assets under management and advisory mandates.

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Serapid Media Contact:

Gregory Bénichou /


LBO France Media Contact:

Nizar Berrada: +33 (0)6 38 31 90 50 /

Julia Paget: +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 /


Zencap Media Contact:

Richard Jacquet: +33 (0) 1 56 68 54 25 /

Serapid secures a unitranche financing of 22 million euros - LBO France

Serapid secures a unitranche financing of 22 million euros

Paris, June 10, 2024, 09:30 AM – Serapid, global leader in heavy load transfer using rigid chain technology, has secured a new unitranche debt financing of 21.7 million euros, along with an additional external growth credit line of 10 million euros. The debt was fully subscribed by Zencap, European pioneer in real economy financing specialized … Continue reading Serapid secures a unitranche financing of 22 million euros