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Guillaume Tessler

Managing Director, Real Estate
Real Estate and Proptech
Guillaume Tessler, 46 years old, is a graduate of NEOMA Business School. He began his career in 2001 at Arthur Andersen / Ernst & Young (consulting and audit missions in the industry). Graduated as a chartered accountant and auditor in 2005, he joined the State Participation Agency. In 2008, he joined the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) to handle financial operations (Equity Financing, Public Offers, IPO) of companies listed on Euronext, particularly in the real estate sector (Developers and Real Estate Agencies). He joined the listed Group Icade in 2015 as director of financial communications and investor relations, and in 2018 he joined Icade's healthcare real estate team as director of international development, where he and his team built up a portfolio of over €1bn in healthcare real estate (clinics, psychiatric facilities, rehabilitation facilities, EHPAD...) in Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal.